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Curriculum Vitae
Yinjiao Ye
Associate Professor
Department of Communication Studies
University of Rhode Island
Phone: (401)874-4724
Ph.D. in Mass Communication, College of Communication & Information Sciences, the University of
Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 2006
Advisor: Jennings Bryant, Regan Chair of Broadcasting
Minor: Statistics
M. A. (2002), B. A. (1999) in Journalism, School of Journalism & Mass Communication, Huazhong
University of Science & Technology, China, 2002
Department of Communication Studies, University of Rhode Island
2012-present: Associate Professor, with tenure
2006-2012: Assistant Professor
Social Media, Health Communication, Media Effects
COM 100 Communication Fundamentals
COM 210 Persuasion
COM 310 Topic in Communication: Content and Effects of Media Advertising
COM 310 Topics in Communication: Social Media in Health Promotion
COM 381 Research Methods in Communication
COM 382 Communication Theory
COM 502: Communication Research Methods
COM 520 Media Seminar: Health Communication
University of Rhode Island, 2006- present
2016 Third place in Open Research Competition, Chinese Association of Journalism and Communication
2014 Service Award, Chinese Communication Association
2014 Best 10 Articles of 2014 in Journalism and Communication Research
2011 Harrington School Project Grant, Harrington School of Communication & Media
2009 Outstanding Paper Travel Award in Non-student Category, HINTS Data Users Conference, National
Cancer Institute
2008 Career Enhancement Grant Program award, Council for Research, URI
2006 First place in Open paper competition, Research Division, Broadcast Education Association
2002 Graduate Council Fellowship, University of Alabama
2001 Outstanding Graduate Student in Academics
Guanghua Scholarship
2000 Outstanding Graduate Student in Academics
Guanghua Scholarship
1999 Outstanding Graduate
1997 Outstanding Undergraduate Student in Academics
1996, 1997, 1998, 1999
Outstanding Undergraduate Student in Academics, Morals and Health

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