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Construction Schedule (Completion Dates)
Complete low-flow channel in East Side and Maripossa Bypasses, if necessary
Complete steps to enable deployment of fish barriers at Salt and Mud Sloughs
Complete Reach 2B channel capacity increase to 4,500 cfs
Modification Completion Date
Initiate Ramping Interim Restoration Flows
Modify Reach 4B to pass minimum of 475 cfs
Complete Mendota Pool 4,500 cfs Bypass Channel
Complete Sand Slough Control Structure and Fish Screen
Complete Fish Screen at Arroyo Canal and Fish Ladder at Sack Dam
2014 2015 2016
Complete modifications to Bifurcation Structure for fish passage and to prevent
entrainment, if necessary
Implement Full Restoration Flows
Complete Reach 4B channel modification to accommodate 4,500 cfs
Complete filling and isolating gravel pits in Reach 1
Complete Structure Modification at East Side and Maripossa Bypasses for fish passage
2010 2011 2012 2013
Complete Modifications to Sand Slough Control Structure to pass up to 4,500 cfs into
Reach 4B
Complete Modifications at Sack Dam to ensure fish passage
Complete Modificatins at Reach 4B Headgate to ensure fish passage and enable flow
routing of between 500 and 4,500 cfs into Reach 4B
San Joaquin River Restoration Settlement
Physical Modification and Infrastructure Construction Schedule
Complete Necessary Environmental Documentation / Review (NEPA, NHPA, ESA,
CEQA, etc…)
Phase 1 Improvements Phase 2 Improvements
Modification / Project

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. | Albert Einstein