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Employee Termination Checklist
Employee Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Supervisor:_______________________ Dept: ________________ Account #: ________________________________
Forwarding Address (if changed):
Phone number: Day: ( ) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Eve: ( ) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __
Last day worked: ________________
Instructions: Please put your initials and the date next to the action that has been taken.
Voluntary Termination Involuntary Termination (Steps to follow)
_________ Obtain resignation in writing from Employee __________ a) Corrective action followed (if applicable)
__________ b) Explanation provided to employee
Other (Death, Military)Reason _______________ __________ c) Human Resources reviewed information
_________ Received supporting documentation __________ d) Letter of termination including reasons
Review With Employee Collect
_________Effective Date of Termination __________ Key Fob
_________Final wages __________ All keys (locker, bldg, desk,
cabinets, etc)
Check to be direct deposited __________ Final Timesheet
Check to be picked up Where?_______
Check to be mailed Where?_______ __________ Cellular phones
__________ iPad
_________Benefit pay (if applicable) __________ Laptop computer
Accrued time off __________ Parking tag
When received
__________ ID card
_________ Benefits information summary __________ Reference/Training/Manuals
_________ Rehire eligibility: __________ Any proprietary materials/
Y N property
_________ How references will be handled
_________ Subsequent access to premises
Give to Employee (Optional) Cancel
_________ Exit Interview __________ Computer access
_________ Benefits information (COBRA, etc) __________ TSIS
_________ Contact information for HR __________ Remove from phone list dept.
__________ Cancel email
Other __________ Benefits (CHS)
_________ Clean work area, remove personal belongings __________ Direct Deposit
_________ Process Termination (HR, Payroll) __________ Lunch Account
Signature of Supervisor and Date:
Supervisor should complete form and notify other areas as appropriate to ensure that all parts of the
checklist are completed. Return form to HR when complete.

Saying no to loud people gives you the resources to say yes to important opportunities. | Seth Godin