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Supplier Audit Report
F-6.3-4 Rev. 3
. Westinghouse
Westinghouse Electric Company
Nuclear Services
P.O. Box 355
Pittsburgh, PA 15230-0355
To: Mark Kumar, Facility Quality Manager
Cameron Measurement Systems
4040 Capitol Avenue
of Industry, CA
Letter #: GSQG-09-0172
Date: June 11, 2009
Audit No: WES-2009-236/ NIAC 14136
Team Members: Dave Ivak, Auditor
Jim Sloan, Technical Specialist,
Terry Casteel, Observer
Subject: Supplier Quality Program Audit Report
Qualified Products/Services/Material:
Pressure Transmitters, Indicators, Switches
Audit Results
The results of the audit performed at Cameron on June 8-10, 2009 and described below were
discussed with Mark Kumar, Chuck Rogers, Francie Rodriguez, Mark Larson, and Jim Geer at
the exit meeting held on June 10, 2009.
Specifics of the audit findings are detailed below. Responses to the Findings/SCARs are due
by July15, 2009
Audit Summary
Audit Scope: The scope of this audit was to verify compliance to the applicable quality
program requirements identified in Assessment Plan Letter # GSQG-09-0118, and
implementation of the quality program, as documented in the Cameron Nuclear Quality
Program Manual, NQPM-200, Rev. 1, dated 6/01/09.
Audit Conduct:
1. The audit was conducted at the City of Industry, California facility utilizing NIAC ABCD
Checklist, Rev. 7, dated 11/7/08.
2. The opening meeting was held on June 8, 2009 with the City of Industry site management
team including Mark Kumar, Facility QA Manager and Francie Rodriguez, Plant Manager, to
review the audit scope and the activities to be accomplished.
3. The audit team reviewed the quality program to ensure compliance with the quality program
requirements. The Nuclear QA Manual describing their compliance with 10CFR50(B) and
NQA-1-1994 was recently completed. As a result, there are some elements of the program

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