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Staff Contact
Bunnie Twidwell
Registrar for UT and State Loans
512-471-9117 direct line
512-471-7930 fax
I. Loan Program Overview
The Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center will consider loan requests of objects and
works of art from selected collections to the State Government (specifically those of the
Governor, Lt. Governor, and Secretary of State) and the University of Texas offices and
official residences (specifically those of the Chancellor, System Offices, President, Provost
and Deans) provided the facilities meet security and environmental condition standards.
The benefit of increased public access to its collections through loans must be measured
against the demands of the Ransom Center’s exhibition programs. Each loan request will be
judged on its own merits, the purpose of the loan in relation to the value and condition of
the material requested. Special consideration is given to the physical conditions the work
must endure throughout the loan.
All loan requests are subject to formal approval procedures and are considered on merit and
contribution to the humanities. This document outlines the request and approval procedure
for borrowing work from the Center, and establishes the conditions that a borrower must
meet in order to receive loan approval.
II. Long Term Loan Request
Requests for long term loans are preferably made in writing to the Director at least four
months in advance of the anticipated installation date and will be filled as staff time and
workloads permit. Please include the following information in your request:
State the importance, contribution, and relevance of the loan to the humanities, and
who would be the anticipated audience of the works.
Location of display including building, room number, and function of the space.
Approximate number of works requested for loan.
Name, title, and contact information of the person who will be the named borrower
on the loan agreement. The borrower must have institutional authority for the
Name, title, and contact information of the person who will be the working contact
for the Registrar.
III. Approvals Procedure
1. Ransom Center Director and/or Curators receive long term loan requests. Long term
display loans typically require at least four months to process between the time of the
request and the date the work is installed at the site.

The new source of power is not money in the hands of a few, but information in the hands of many. | John Naisbitt