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Anita Job
123 Goingmy Way
College Town, PA 54321
To obtain a challenging position with a growing company where I can utilize my skills and
Pennsylvania State University, Class of 2015
Major: HDFS, GPA 3.2
Minor: Psych
**Must support self by working to pay for school
Courses: HDFS 239, HDFS 315, PSYCH 212, PSYCH 281
XYZ Agency, Inc., Sept. 11 - current
As a Life Skills Volunteer, I provide direct service for delinquent youth. I am responsible for
providing physical care, ensuring safety, and monitoring daily activities. I work with the Life
Skills Coordinator to carryout treatment plans.
Human Resources Job Shadow, Pittsburgh, PA, 12/2011 & 3/2012
Over semester and spring break, I followed an HR Professional around the office. I sat in on
various meetings and learned about Human Resources.
Findlay Dining Commons, Server
Stahl Community Pool, Lifeguard
Resumes often serve as your initial contact with employers and are the most critical item in determining
whether or not you will obtain an interview. It is a brief “advertisement” of your skills, knowledge, and relevant
experience. If you are seeking positions across industries, you may need to have several versions of your resume
specific to each type of job you are seeking.
Ideally your resume should emphasize your strong points while expressing your uniqueness and individuality.
Therefore, you should present yourself clearly, succinctly, and confidently. Use the suggestions here to develop your
resume and consult the samples provided to gather ideas
Do not copy these examples verbatim!
Typically, employers
spend less than 15
seconds reviewing
your resume before
making the decision
to consider you for
an interview.
Compare this resume to the one on the facing
page. Both have the same information, but which
do you think represents the candidate best?
One or two concise, easy-to-
read statements focusing on
the type of position you are
seeking, the skills you want
to utilize, and or the tasks in
which you want to become
Avoid cliches or jargon, such
as, “To contribute to the
profitability of an employer”
or “A challenging position
offering opportunity for growth
and advancement.
List degrees in reverse chron-
ological order—most recent
first. Keep the information
easy to scan.
You may want to include
details relevant to the job you
are seeking, such as courses,
special projects, a minor or
area of emphasis, etc.
• Education Abroad experiences
should also be listed here as
well. Use the same format as
your Penn State entry.
Most employers expect to see
your GPA (either overall, major
or both).

Success in business requires training and discipline and hard work. But if you’re not frightened by these things, the opportunities are just as great today as they ever were. | David Rockefeller