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This agreement is between the ________________ (landowner) and the _____________
(farmer), for the lease of certain parcels of land for the purpose of [establishing and cultivating
commercial vegetable crops].
Whereas both parties share a mutual interest in the health and productivity of the agricultural
lands described below, and whereas a multi-year lease agreement provides security for the
farmer, enabling natural resource stewardship of the land, and whereas the landowner also
benefits from such an agreement, and the land is maintained in production and protected from
conversion to non-farm uses, the parties agree as follows:
1. The parcel(s) contained in this agreement are/is described as follows:
[describe parcel location, acreage, bounds, unique features, current conditions, etc.]
2. The term of this lease shall be from _____________ to ________________ except as
terminated earlier according to the provisions below.
3. The farmer agrees to pay a lease fee to the landowner of $______ per acre, or $_____
total, per year. The farmer agrees to pay such sum at the beginning of the lease term and
on the anniversary of this date unless otherwise mutually agreed. A late penalty of up to
5% / month may be assessed on all late payments. This lease fee may be renegotiated
The farmer and landowner may negotiate in-kind services in lieu of all or partial payment
as follows:
[e.g., removal of debris or limbs or rocks, clearing or keeping land cleared, mowing paths
or trails, maintaining fences, giving some vegetables, etc.]
4. Permitted Uses: the farmer is hereby permitted all normal activities associated with the
above purposes, including but not limited to:
a. Planting, cultivating, and harvesting vegetable crops
b. Erection of a storage shed for use and seasonal storage of equipment on said
c. Application of soil amendments including manures, compost, fertilizers, and lime
d. Pest management; including the application of pesticides
e. Installation of an irrigation system and washing / post-harvest cleaning facilities
f. Erection of a seasonal hoophouse structure for early and late-season extension
g. On-farm composting of crop waste
h. Hosting meetings / educational workshops / public events on farm
i. ……
j. ……
The farmer agrees to employ standard best management practices. It shall not be
considered a default of this Lease if weather or other circumstances prevents timely
practices or harvesting.

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. | Charles Darwin