Parents may leave their children (ages 3-11) in the care
of our dedicated Kid’s Club staff and enjoy time alone or
pursuing their own activities. Your children will enjoy their
days lled with games, arts and crafts, adventures and
fun! Learning along with nature and exploring their time
in Minnesota’s lakes and woods, children enjoy discov-
ering nature and getting to know other children during
their stay. All activities are age-appropriate. Registration
begins at 8:30am every morning.
Monday, June 8 – Jungle Day
9:00am Free Play
9:30am Rain stick craft
10:30am Nature scavenger hunt
12:00pm Lunch
12:30pm Jungle games
1:00pm Pool/Beach
Tuesday, June 9 – Hawaiian Day
9:00am Free Play
9:30am Grass skirt craft
10:30am Pineapple relays
11:00am Luau Bingo
12:00pm Lunch
12:30pm Hawaiian face painting
1:00pm Hula hoop, limbo and sandcastle contest
2:00pm Boat ride or beach time
Wednesday, June 10 – Science Day
9:00am Free Play
9:30am Coke and Mentos experiment
10:00am Burst the atoms game
10:30am Slime and Volcano activities
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Nisswa Turtle Races
Thursday, June 11 – Under the Sea Day
9:00am Free Play
9:30am Sea turtle mosaic
10:30am Beach time relay/ sharks and minnows
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Water balloon ght
2:00pm Snorkel scavenger hunt
Friday, June 12 – Secret Agent Day
9:00am Free Play
9:30am Secret Agent I.D. cards
10:00am Secret Agent scavenger hunt
11:00am Game
12:00pm Lunch
12:30pm Who am I game
1:00pm Tennis lesson or Nature hike
2:30pm Obstacle course
Saturday, June 13 – Around the World Day
9:00am Free play
9:30am Paint piñatas
10:00am UK sports
11:00am African craft
12:00pm Lunch
12:30pm Piñata hitting
1:00pm Origami
2:00pm Brazilian game
A special night for children (ages 3-11). Themes change
throughout the week. Wacky Relay Races Night, Mystery
Night, Waves of Laughter Night are just a few. Dinner will
be served during Kid’s Night Out. Registration begins at
5:45pm every night.
Tuesday, June 9 – Hawaiian Night
6:00pm Dinner
6:30pm Free Play
7:00pm Sand art picture
8:00pm Bonre with s’mores
Thursday, June 11 – Under the Sea Night
6:00pm Dinner
6:30pm Discovery bottle craft
7:30pm Bingo *bring $2/child to buy bingo card*
7:30pm Shufeboard or yard games
Saturday, June 13 – Around the World Night
6:00pm Dinner
7:00pm Statues
7:30pm What time is it Mrs. Wolf
8:00pm Write your name in Chinese
JUNE 8-13
We recommend that you pre-register by calling 866-801-2951, or register upon arrival by
dialing 1191. Ages 3-11 and must be potty trained. Additional fees may apply.