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250 North Bridge Road #06-00
Raffles City Tower Singapore 179101
Tel: 65336001 Fax: 65353834
Co.Reg.No. 197501035Z GST Reg. No. M2-0021956-2
For more information, please visit or
drop us an email at
Phillip Investment Custodian Account
is a
trading account that allows you to trade Shares,
Unit Trusts, Treasury Bills and other investment
products via POEMS Internet, POEMS Mobile as
well as via your trading representative.
1. Custody of Shares
All equities transacted through this custodian
account will be cleared through this trading
account. All shares purchases and subsequent
sales must be conducted through this account.
All Corporate actions, including dividends, will be
processed under this account.
Accounts with multicurrency facility will receive
the cash dividend in declared currency unless
otherwise determined by the issuer/Phillip
Securities Pte Ltd (PSPL).
2. Excess Funds Management Facility
You may wish to opt-in for the excess funds
management facility to enjoy potentially greater
earnings on the excess fund parked in this
account. By opting in, your excess SGD and USD
funds will be invested on a discretionary basis in
Phillip Money Market Funds (MMF) and Phillip
USD MMF respectively. Please refer to the
section on Excess Funds Management under
important notice for more information.
To opt-in, simply log into your POEMS account, go to:
STOCKS> ACCT MGMT> Online Forms> Excess
Fund Authorization
Otherwise, idle funds residing in this account will
be automatically deposited in a trust account.
Interest, if any, will only be paid on the dollar in
excess of stipulated limit as follow:-.
Amount Interest*
> S$50,000 0.10% p.a
> US$50,000 0.15% p.a
> HK$50,000 0.10% p.a
> AUD$50,000 1.50% p.a
PSPL reserves the right to change the rates without
prior notice.
3. Multi-Currency Facility
As an added advantage, you also have the option
of maintaining foreign currency balances (USD,
your account for ease of trading and efficient
management of your foreign currency-
denominated investments. Settlement for these
shares can either be in the traded currency or in
SGD. However, your account must have
sufficient funds in the settlement currency to
avoid incurring interest on debit balances.
Currency Interest* on Debit Balance
SGD 6.00% p.a.
USD 7.00% p.a.
HKD 7.00% p.a.
JPY 4.20% p.a.
AUD 8.75% p.a.
GBP 4.50% p.a.
EUR 7.00% p.a.
CAD 7.00% p.a.
MYR No debit balance allowed
* PSPL reserves the right to change the rates without
prior notice.
4. Settlement of Trades
As long as you have sufficient funds (base
amount) in your trading account, you enjoy
automatic settlement for trades done in shares,
unit trusts, treasury bills and more.
You may make use of any of the payment modes
set out in Section 7 of this information sheet to
transfer money into the trading account before
you do a purchase or latest by contract due date.
Clients with multi-currency ledgers may settle
their foreign-denominated trades in the traded
currency or in SGD.
For non multi-currency account holders, trades
will be settled in SGD.
Settlement of Purchase Contracts:
Purchase contracts will be settled on contract due
date+1. There will be no partial settlement.

The first one gets the oyster the second gets the shell. | Andrew Carnegie