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2006 Killington Ski Camp
After skiing (4pm until 6pm), meet at the Grist Mill for a get together
for all of the Race GS Camp people and Coaches. Don’t forget to buy
your coach a drink. There will be discounted Beer and FREE SUPER hors
Dinner at the Grist Mill: There will be a 10% discount (Does not include
Drinks) for all Race Camp People and their guests. Time: 5 to 9pm
Dinner: Spaghetti Meatball/Sausage dinner at the North Star Lodge at
7:30PM. Cost: $12.00 (Don’t forget to invite your Coach.)
HOT TUB/POOL Party: 8:30pm until 11pm following the Spaghetti
dinner. Free Mud Slides, beer, wine and some snacks
Dinner: at the Sushi Yoshi at 7:30Pm. Chinese cuisine, Sushi and
Hibachi Japanese tables with a great show at the tables. Everyone
enjoyed themselves last year.
Awards Dinner/Banquet will be at the Summit (above and behind the
Grist Mill). Cocktails at 6:30, Dinner at 7:30. Everyone will meet at
Grist Mill after the dinner. For Race Camp people only, others see me.

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches. | Napoleon Hill