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DebateGradeSheet:Debater:Sami Student
Topic: Drunk Driving Representing: Affirmative
Class: M 6:00-8:50 pmDate:1/18/2015
Constructive(1stSpeech): Strong
StockIssues:AddressedCase(General): Strong
AddressedHarms(exist&aresignificant): Strong
AddressesInherency(SQiscausing/allowstheharm) Adequate
StockIssues:AddressesPlan/Solvency(solution): Strong
UseofEvidence(Overall): Strong
Numberused: 6 Appropriateness/Use: Strong
Organization(overall): Strong
InConstructive? Strong
InRebuttal? Weak
Reasoning(General): Strong
Logicalarguments: Strong
AddressedOpponent’sReasoning: Adequate
Rebuttal:Answeredopponent’sargument(s): Adequate
CrossExamination: Adequate
Delivery(Sounded“intoit”/Convincing): Strong
Grade: 48 /50pts
 96%

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