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Wild Brookies
Choose your location...
•Penns Creek
Lehigh River
Small Mountain Freestones
•Upper Delaware and Lower Delaware Rivers
•Valley Creek
•South-Central Pennsylvania Limestoners
Susquehanna River
•Tulpehocken Creek
What to expect...
There are so many wonderful aspects that make
up the sport of fly fishing. One of these is the
learning experience you get from being on the
water. It is this knowledge we will pass on to our
clients – that is a promise Fly Fish Pennsylvania
will keep.
What to bring...
Current PA Fishing License with Trout Stamp
•Fly rod and reel - suited for the fishing conditions
•Polarized or protective glasses
•Waders - chest waders preferably
•Rain gear
Camera and film
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hether you’re a beginner or an experi-
enced angler, we focus our attention
towards your needs. Maybe you are just
learning how to fly fish and would like to perfect your
technique on casting a fly rod, fishing dry flies,
nymphs, swinging wets or stripping streamers. We’ll
show you how to properly gear-up for the conditions at
hand and master the nuances of reading the water so
that the presentation of your fly is natural - resulting
in a rewarding fly fishing experience.
How would you like to chase tackle busting striped
bass on the lower Delaware, reel screaming rainbows
on the upper Delaware, large European brown trout on
the Lehigh River (Madison river of the East) and pic-
turesque Penns Creek, or experience the feisty small-
mouth bass of the Susquehanna or Lower Delaware
Rivers. If small stream fishing is your preference, we’ll
show you the many freestoners in Northeastern
Pennsylvania and the world-renowned limestoners of
Central and Southeast Pennsylvania. We have more
than 40 years of fly-fishing experience between us and
would like to show you the many rewarding experi-
ences fly-fishing has to offer.
Fly Fish Pennsylvania
Fly Fish Pennsylvania

You are not your resume, you are your work. | Seth Godin