www.Landlordreferencing.co.uk applicant tenant employers reference
Today’s date
Employers reference for a property of tenure for (Applicants name)…………………………………………………………………………………………………....
Dear Employer,
We have been approached by …………..(Name of applicant)……………….
This applicant has advised us that you are their employer and therefore would you please provide us with the
following information below for us to complete their application to rent a property.
Employers contact name, address and postcode)
(Landlord or Letting Agents name, address and postcode)
Is the employee employed by you on a:
Full time employment
Part time employment
How long has your employee worked for you
Is the employee under notice to leave your employ?
Is there any reason you believe may terminate your employee’s employment in the near future.
Please send this form back ASAP by either:
Fax Number Email: Employers signature here…………………………………
Monthly Salary - Weekly Wage.
Please confirm your employee’s pay.
If other please state period of pay