HTML Preview Doctor Confirmation Appointment Letter page number 1.

Dear Patient:
This letter is to confirm your appointment for ___________________________ at
___________. Please plan to arrive approximately 30 minutes prior to your
scheduled appointment to allow time for you and your significant other to
sign consent forms that are required for your treatment. It is important that your
significant other is able to accompany you to your appointments as much as
possible. With the type of care we provide, we may be unable to schedule/perform
certain procedures without their signature.
Please complete the following informational forms and return to our office prior to
your appointment. (A return envelope is enclosed for your convenience.)
Patient Information
Infertility Section
(if applicable)
Medical Hi
story Form
This will enable us to thoroughly review your medical background and provide you
with the best possible care. If you have been seen by another physician, please
request that your medical records be forwarded to our office prior to your
appointment, as well.
In an effort to be HIPAA compliant and to protect your private health information and
identity, we require that you bring your photo I.D. and insurance card to your first
As a courtesy to you we will submit your insurance claims for you; however any co-
payments will be collected at time of service. For any non insured patients, fees for
all office visits and related charges are payable at the time of service.
My staff and I appreciate your selecting our office for your health care. We
recognize the trust and responsibility placed in us and we will do everything possible
to provide for those needs. We look forward to seeing you!
Kevin E. Bachus, M.D.

A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts. | Richard Branson