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Letter of Agreement Template (Business)
To: [insert name of organisation]
This letter outlines the terms of agreement between [the not-for-profit organisation] and [the
This agreement covers a single / ongoing volunteering activity taking place on [insert date].
[Insert a description of the nature of the volunteering activity.]
Safety and Supervision
We confirm that prior to our employees commencing the activities you will:
1. Advise them of any risks, and of the safety procedures, relevant to the activities; and
2. Conduct an information session and training for our employees; and
3. Take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure that the workplace is safe and without
risks to health and safety.
You will also supervise, manage and co-ordinate the activities and ensure you provide a safe
working environment for our employees, as your volunteers.
We will indemnify you if one of our employees is injured while engaging in the activities
subject to our right to recover damages from your organisation to the extent of your liability at
common law or in statute, for example, where the injury has been caused or contributed to
by negligence or breach of statute of your organisation or its employees, contractors or
[If the activities will be regarded as arising within the course of employment for purposes of
workers’ compensation]
As we consider this volunteering activity as being within the course of employment for our
employees, if one of our employees is injured while engaged in the activities, we will accept
liability for workers’ compensation.
G. Letter Of Agreement Template

To succeed in business, to reach the top, an individual must know all it is possible to know about that business. | J. Paul Getty