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Self Evaluation Page 1
Reflective Self-Evaluation
During the course you are assessed on your ability to evaluate your own lessons and lesson plans. You may want to
discuss the reflection with your Mentor teacher. Reflections can be used in your portfolio along with your lesson plans
and Mentor teachers written feedback.
What were the main outcomes of your lesson and to what extent did you achieve them?
What were the 2 most successful aspects of the lesson and your lesson plan in terms of:
1. Your development as a teacher?
2. What did the learners gain from the lesson?
Were there any aspects of you lesson and/or lesson plan that were less successful? Why do you think this
was? If you were to teach the same lesson again, what 2 changes would you make? Why?
What 2 aspects of your teaching and/or planning do you intend to work on in the next lesson?
What 2 questions would you like to ask your Mentor/colleagues in feedback?
1. Summary of discussion with Mentor Teacher (Preservice teacher to notate)
2. Preservice teacher personal reflection

Leadership is doing what is right when no one is watching. | George Van Valkenburg