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Standard / Military Time Conversion Chart
Standard Minutes Military Conversion Standard Minutes Military Conversion
1 0.02 31 0.52
2 0.03 32 0.53
3 0.05 33 0.55
4 0.07 34 0.57
5 0.08 35 0.58
6 0.10 36 0.60
7 0.12 37 0.62
8 0.13 38 0.63
9 0.15 39 0.65
10 0.17 40 0.67
11 0.18 41 0.68
12 0.20 42 0.70
13 0.22 43 0.72
14 0.23 44 0.73
15 0.25 45 0.75
16 0.27 46 0.77
17 0.28 47 0.78
18 0.30 48 0.80
19 0.32 49 0.82
20 0.33 50 0.83
21 0.35 51 0.85
22 0.37 52 0.87
23 0.38 53 0.88
24 0.40 54 0.90
25 0.42 55 0.92
26 0.43 56 0.93
27 0.45 57 0.95
28 0.47 58 0.97
29 0.48 59 0.98
30 0.50 60 1.00
The above conversions show standard minutes as a percentage of a military hour.
For Example, an employee that worked 8 hours and 51 minutes would be paid for 8.85 hours.

People don’t believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell themselves. | Seth Godin