It is the policy of Oklahoma City University to operate in accordance with the approved
University Calendar and to maintain full operations unless a specific decision to close is
announced by University officials. In the event of inclement weather/emergency conditions, the
President has delegated authority to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA), or
his or her designee, to close the University.
Decisions to alter the University’s academic or operating schedule for reasons other than weather
will be made in response to specific emergency conditions, including local and regional traffic
and infrastructure issues. Changes will be communicated to all affected individuals as quickly as
possible in accordance with established emergency notification procedures. Decisions regarding
schedule changes or closings will be made no later than 5:00 a.m. when possible.
For the sake of clarity and consistency, the downtown location of the OCU School of Law will
follow the same operating schedule during inclement weather/emergency conditions to the extent
possible. The Provost or his or her designee, in consultation with the dean of the School of Law,
will make determinations regarding a modified operating schedule or full closure for the School
of Law. The School of Law is governed by the rules and standards of the American Bar
Association regarding attendance and actual class hours. If classes are canceled for any reason,
there must be make-up sessions.
Faculty, staff, and students must assume responsibility for their own health and safety, as well as
for their class or work responsibilities. While this frequently requires a delicate balance, each
individual must be the ultimate arbiter of whether to travel to Oklahoma City University under
varying conditions.
Decisions to alter University operations and/or the University’s academic or operating schedule
are made by the Provost/VPAA or his or her designee, upon the recommendation of the