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12642%Monte%Vista%Road% Poway,%CA%92064%%Telep hone%858 . 673.1756%%%
Websit e:%www.countrymontessori.org%
Upper%Element ary%Daily % Schedule %
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Before Care (Childcare) Offered **
ARRIVAL in U.E. Classroom
Animal care (feeding/fresh water)
Fill-in Daily Agenda (prioritize daily goals and management of time in personal
calendar agendas)
Community Meeting (“student-run-meeting” which includes a moment of silent
personal reflection, class business, acknowledgements and Pledge of Allegiance)
Test-Pro, Spelling, "Math Facts" timed testing, Journal/Power Write (alternates)
Great Work Period (individual and small group lessons, individual/small group work,
research and projects)
Enrichment “Pull-out” classes: P.E., Art, Spanish, Music, and Computer
Cultural Lessons: Science, Geography, and History
(These activities occur on a rotating basis throughout the week)
Elementary Dismissals
(Children not picked-up at dismissals will go to childcare on the playground)
Outdoor playtime for childcare
Children in childcare go inside for snack and free play
After School Care Closes and Children Must Be Picked Up
--- Every Friday the following activities will alternate:
Cooking – The children “cook” in teams of 2 or 3 (on rotational basis) the menu of their
choice for their classmates.
Sharing – The children have an opportunity to “share” their experiences, activities or
interests (including pets) during the Friday Community Meeting.
Cleaning the Classroom Environment – The children share the responsibilities cleaning the
environment inside and outside.
Community Service – Sunshine Care visits, trash pick-up on Monte Vista Road
* Panda Express, Pat & Oscar's, and Chicken Pie Diner are only provided to those who have
preordered and paid.
** Before and After Care (Childcare) is offered at $5.00 per hour. Pick up after 6:00 pm is considered late,