For those who work in Sales, it's important that they always work with the latest updated sales templates in order to grow the business faster! Therefore we invite you to check out and download our basic or advanced sales templates. They are intuitive and in several kinds of formats, such as PDF, WORD, XLS (EXCEL including formulas and can calculate sums automatically), etc.
Using this Account Planning - Description template guarantees that you will save time, cost and efforts and enables you to grow the business faster! After downloading and filling in the blanks, you can easily customize e.g. visuals, typography, details, and appearance of your Account Planning - Description.
Download this Account Planning - Description template now!
Stage 3 execution and follow-up Creating and owning the finalized version of the customer plan Deciding which pieces of the plan may NOT be shared with the customer, and editing a version that CAN be shared with the customer Distributing the finalized plan to the sales team and other interested parties Tracking the action plan and running follow-up sessions (one 2 one or group discussions with sellers) Measuring the success of the Customer Planning Process Entering relevant data into CRM system (potential opportunity values) The responsibilities of the sales team in Stage 1 pre-work phase Committing to the dates for the customer planning session Assessing the list of participants and communicating if they want other people involved Work with the facilitators to understand the pre-work Contributing their perspective to the pre-work document and in the best case, validating some of this information with the customer prior to the workshop Communicating the Customer Planning Process to their customers and setting the stage for the follow-up actions Evaluating the pre-work document as it grows The responsibilities of the sales team in Stage 2 customer planning session Adding input where necessary Challenging assumptions, making suggestions, searching for growth potential Taking responsibility for actions entered into the action plan Being proactive Promoting activities that use the whole TE spectrum of products and services Stage 3 execution and follow-up Taking the relevant parts of the plan to the customer and using it to sell more, create new relationships, and generally get the customers perspective on the plan Execute the action plan Communicate with the SCE and the rest of the team as and when necessary Inviting the right people In theory, this should be any sales rep who has existing relationship and opportunities in the customer organisation, and who has a good knowledge of the customers business..