Information Technology Resume sample content:
Security Operations Center Security Analyst
Present Monitor multiple security systems for a Fortune 500 company
Investigate arising incidents caused by malicious activities, and identified false positives Documented security events daily to create a baseline of activity for the client network
TECHNOLOGY SMARTS Network Operations Center Monitoring Technician
Refined and improved existing documentation system, resulting in reduced labor costs totaling
15,000 annually via increased workplace efficiency
Consolidated multiple ticketing systems, improving communication and ticket turnover rate by Investigated alerts created by IDS/IPS including malicious file uploads, compromised servers,
SQL injections, and port scanning
GOVERNMENT Information Security Intern Monitored and managed email spam filters, firewalls, anti-virus systems, and vulnerability scanners
Deployed and observed IDS sensors and their resulting alerts Performed in-depth forensics on workstation hard drives
EDUCATION COLLEGE Associate Degree in Information Security and Digital Forensics
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- Brief, preferably one page in length
- Clean, error-free, and easy to read
- Structured and written to highlight your strengths
- Immediately clear about your name and the position you are seeking
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