How to write a proof rental verification letter?
The following rental verification letter can be useful if your tenant needs a proof of payment:
Rental Verification letter:
- Dear {{Name}},
- This is to let you know that {{name of the tenant}} is a tenant at one of our apartment units, {{name of apartment or rental unit}} that is located in {{physical address of the apartment unit}}.
- {{He/she}} has been our tenant since {{start date of the tenancy}} and {{his/her}} tenancy is due to expire on {{when the current contract is to expire}}.
- Presently, {{he/she}} parts with {{monthly rental payment/obligations}} for the {{sheer size of the rental unit}} {{he/she}} resides in.
- Overall, {{he/she}} has been well-mannered and responsible.
- Even though {{he/she}} has remitted the dues past the deadline several times, {{he/she}} has always endeavored to explain in advance and let us in the know.
- We wish {{him/her}} all the best in your subsequent dealings with you.
Download this Verification letter for rental application now.