This warning letter shall serve as a formal written reprimand and is to confirm in writing our discussion of {{date}} concerning your unacceptable {{performance and/or conduct}} and to establish my expectations which I have outlined in a Corrective Action Plan to be commenced immediately. Further, you are hereby warned of additional disciplinary action if your {{performance and/or conduct}} does not improve. I have developed this corrective measure to assist you in bringing your work as a {{classification}} to an acceptable standard as defined in your enclosed Employee Performance Appraisal.
During the past {{time period}}, your supervisor has shared with you concern about your {{performance of the functions of your position and/or unacceptable conduct}}. While I want to emphasize that some of the deficiencies would not constitute unsatisfactory performance when viewed singularly, the cumulative effect demonstrates your inability or unwillingness to conform to expected standards of work. I believe it is necessary to initiate this Corrective Action Plan to cause you to understand that not only are your deficiencies unacceptable, but also that we are at a point where such {{substandard performance and/or unacceptable conduct}} can no longer be tolerated. {{Insert language describing the
consequences of the employee’s actions, or inactions.}}
You have been verbally counseled on numerous occasions concerning your work {{performance and/or conduct}} and your supervisor, {{name}}, has spent many hours explaining appropriate {{classification/job}} protocol and process. Additionally, you have attended {{insert number of training sessions employee has attended}} training sessions; however, even with these attempts you have still not met performance expectations. Nonetheless, despite management intervention and assistance from your coworkers in actually performing your work {{if applicable}}, you have consistently failed to meet reasonable expectations.
It is my sincere hope that this corrective measure will cause you to meet the full complement of performance expectations. So you may understand why I believe your {{performance and/or conduct}} to be unsatisfactory and how this prevents or hinders this agency from meeting its objectives, I offer the following representative occurrences that demonstrate your failure to meet the agency’s work expectations:
Specific reasons for written warning ‐ employee must be informed, with reasonable certainty and precision, of
the cause of the action. Be sure to give examples of deficiencies i.e., who, what, when, where and
how. Provide specific details including dates of previous disciplinary actions, unacceptable
performance and/or conduct, management intervention, and the consequences to the agency/public.}}
In an effort to assist you in meeting a standard of {{performance and/or conduct}} consistent with my
expectations, I am establishing a thirty (30) calendar day improvement period, beginning {{date}} through {{date}} to allow you to bring your faltering {{performance and/or conduct}} to acceptable standards.
Your supervisor will closely monitor all aspects of your work performance and will meet with you periodically during this time to discuss your progress and provide you with direction and feedback; however, I believe it is important for you to understand that your supervisor will not perform your work for you and will not make decisions for you. So, there is no misunderstanding concerning your current responsibilities, I have reduced to writing my expectations of you in your position as a {{classification}}:
Provide detailed expectations regarding behavior and direct employee to attend relevant
training. The employee should know with certainty what he or she must do to meet
expectations. I would like to confirm my receptiveness to any reasonable suggestion as to how I might assist you
during this improvement period.