Table of contents templates

How to create Table of Contents in Word? Learn everything you need to know about this topic here.

A Table of Content also known as ‘Contents’ or abbreviated to ‘TOC’ can be found in the first pages of a report or document and provides the document structure of titles/headers and what the document contains including all its page numbers. A Table of Contents is often found in books, technical journals, scientific thesis, formal reports and often also in presentations, that have over 10 pages or slides. In documents with less than 30-50 pages, often only showing the first-level headers can be sufficient. In larger publications, also the second level headers are shown, and in more detailed books you will also find third level headers.

The TOC is often found right after copyright notices or the abstract.

The Table of Contents is providing a clear structure for the reader makes it easier for the reader to navigate through the document and can also indicate the important topics that have the reader wants to read.

Especially in scientific papers and technical journals a TOC also shows the list of tables and list of figures.

Check out our TOC topic and learn how to insert, update or make a Table of Contents in MS Word:

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