What is a shot list template?
A shot list template is a simple document that outlines the steps needed to complete a specific task.
A shoot checklist is a simple list of every photo you (and your client) plan to take on the day of the shoot. It usually includes a list of specific shots, some visual references, and other details like camera angles or lighting settings so you don't forget anything.
Also it is a document that shows everything that will happen in a movie or video scene by describing each shot in the movie or video. It is a checklist that provides direction and project preparation for the film team.
Looking for an easy-to-print camera shot list template that you can use to keep track of your shots? Download this sample template now which allows you to quickly create a detailed list of all the items you want to shoot.
View templateHow to create a shot list for movie production? Using one of these shot list templates guarantees you will save time, cost and effort! Download them now for your own benefit!
View templateHow to use a shot list for a wedding? Are you planning a wedding and need help organizing your photography shot list? This wedding shot list is the basic blueprint for how you want to shoot during your wedding, including all types of shots
View templateLooking for an example of a printable shot list template to help you get started? Download this sample template now which will help you to easily organize and keep track of all the shots you need to take for any given project.
View templatePeople don’t believe what you tell them. They rarely believe what you show them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell themselves. | Seth Godin