What is an example of a recommendation letter?
First, you need to know why you are being asked to write letters of recommendation. Writing a letter of recommendation for academic reasons, personal recommendation, new job, or other reasons? If the referee has not provided you with information about their need for this letter, please ask them to provide you with:
In the meantime, this sample reference letter should get you started and get you on the right track. Remember, be polite (and honest!). Negative testimonials are useless. So if you're on this path, it's better to tell that person no.
Writing a letter of recommendation for a colleague or friend is an important moment in your career. Make sure you submit a well-written letter that reflects all of your personal attributes, skills, and experiences by reviewing our four examples, templates, and writing tips below.
How do you write an assistant to professor reference letter? What should be included in an assistant professor recommendation letter? Download this sample
View templateHow do you write an assistant to professor recommendation letter? What should be included? Download this Assistant Professor Recommendation Letter template now for your own benefit!
View templateWhat format should a letter of recommendation be? How do you write a character reference for a friend? Downloading our sample template now which provides a great framework for writing a recommendation letter.
View templateWhat format should a letter of recommendation be? How do you write a character reference for a friend? Download our sample letter template now and use as a guide as you write your own letter.
View templateIn what way can a recommendation letter be improved? Download our template now which provides a clear and professional format for writing and submitting letters of recommendation for leadership.
View templateHow do you write a positive letter of recommendation? How do you write a kind letter of recommendation? We have a sample recommendation letter template that you can download and customize to fit your needs.
View templateHow do you write a letter of recommendation for a friend? How do you write a kind letter of recommendation?
View templateHow to draft a recommendation Letter for graduate school? Download this Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School From Employer Sample template now!
View templateHow to draft a strong Teacher Recommendation Letter? An easy way to start completing your recommendation letter is to download this Letter template now!
View templateHow to write a Teacher Recommendation Letter? Download this Teacher Recommendation Letter template now!
View templateWhatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches. | Napoleon Hill