Printable Running Log Example templates

How to keep a simple running log?

Choose a logging tool, for example the daily spreadsheet, a hardcopy sheet that you place in a visible spot (this is the most effective method), or an online tool. There are several options for a runner training log depending on how well you know the technology. If you prefer old-fashioned paper journals, there are plenty of options available, including the full runner's daily journal, one of the classic training journals for over 30 years.

If you prefer a high-tech approach, there are plenty of standalone apps for your phone (like Running Log Free) that will do the job.

A run log is just anything that records your progress over time. As you already know, just running in your head and tracking your progress can be confusing.

Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly and get on with improving your other innovations. | Steve Jobs