Plot Diagram templates

What is in a plot diagram?

A plot is a graphical visualization for representing a data set, like a graph that indicates the relationship between two or several variables. Plots can be drawn by hand or by computer. In the past mechanical or electronic plotters were common.

A plot diagram is a tool often used to organize a story into specific segments. Once the parts of the plot are identified, it is easier to analyze the content. Plot diagrams also provide a general framework for analyzing and understanding written prose.

Line graphs of story plots show the story's events starting at the story's beginning, moving to the right, and ending with the conclusion.

Additionally, the chart shows a picture so that students of all ages can understand the whole story. Educators are able to use drawing as a consistent baseline to measure reading comprehension and eliminate confusion among readers. understands the importance of communicating by professional documents and usage of quality document templates, for example when you are an employee in a company, or a manager working on a project, being a creative artist or entrepreneur sending out professional quotes, etc. and you want to make a good impression.

Below plot diagram templates are ready-made and can be downloaded and printed directly after you modified them according to your preferences.

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