Letter of reference templates

Letter of Reference

What is a letter of reference?

It is a letter which is written by the author of the letter, assessing the applicant/candidate's qualities and skills positively, deeming them an ideal candidate for the job, scholarship, or university to which they apply. It is also called a recommendation letter, a reference letter, or a letter of recommendation.

A letter of reference is a document that a person sends to another person in order to recommend that person for a job, educational opportunity, or other purpose. Also are letters in which the author positively evaluates the applicant/candidate's qualities and abilities and identifies them as an ideal candidate for the position, scholarship, or university to which they are applying .

The ability to perform a specific task or function. Letters of recommendation are often related to employment (such letters may also be called job references or job references), college admissions, or scholarship eligibility. Letters of recommendation are usually written specifically for a single person and are therefore addressed to a specific requester

The new source of power is not money in the hands of a few, but information in the hands of many. | John Naisbitt