Glycemic index chart templates

What is a glycemic index chart?

The glycemic index is a system that assigns carbohydrate-containing foods a number based on how much each food raises blood sugar. The glycemic index itself is not a nutrition plan, but one of a variety of tools—such as counting calories or counting carbohydrates—used to guide food choices.

It shows how carbohydrates in food affect your blood sugar. Foods are scored on a scale of 0 to 100 based on how quickly they raise blood sugar levels. The higher the number, the faster your blood sugar rises.

The term "glycemic index diet" generally refers to a specific eating plan that uses the index as the primary or sole guide to meal planning. Unlike some other plans, the glycemic index diet doesn't necessarily specify portion sizes or the optimal number of calories, carbohydrates, or fats for weight loss or weight maintenance.

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