Excel monthly budget Page 2 templates

What is monthly budget template?

f you prefer to put your pencil on paper rather than enter numbers online, this free budget sheet template might be just what you need. It's very simple and lets you track your income and expenses for three months.

At the top, enter your name and expected income for three months. Major expense categories have been filled out - Home, Utilities, Auto, Groceries, Debt and Other. But there are spaces under each category to fill in your favorite subcategories. Below, you add up everything for each month.

A good option is the Microsoft Excel Personal Monthly Budget Spreadsheet. This comprehensive budget template includes major categories like housing, entertainment, transportation, loans, and taxes, as well as numerous subcategories that make it easy to break down specific expenses. You can also compare planned and actual income and expenses, so you can see at a glance how well you're staying within your budget each month.

Once you free yourself from the need for perfect acceptance, it’s a lot easier to launch work that matters. | Seth Godin