Doelstelling Six Sigma

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De beste manier om een Doelstelling Six Sigma te maken? Check direct dit professionele Doelstelling Six Sigma template!

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Zakelijk Project management factuur facturen Met de hand Six Sigma voorbeelden

How to make a professional Goal Statement Six Sigma? Download this project management Goal Statement Six Sigma template now!

Adequate communication is essential in projects, in order to have truthful and accurate information exchange in order to ensure program managers or project managers are able to do rationally and correct decision making. For those who make have, what we call, a "high-performance mindset”, we know they prefer to work with the latest update of professional project management templates, in order to achieve their goals faster!

Feel free to download this Goal Statement Six Sigma, or simply browse through our other basic or advanced template designs. They are intuitive and in several kinds of formats, such as: PDF, WORD, XLS (EXCEL including formulas and can calculate sums automatically), etc. 

Using this project management template guarantees that you will save time, cost and efforts and makes you more successful in your project, work and business!

Completing your project management Goal Statement Six Sigma was never simpler! Download it now! 

Account Management will be able to scale more efficiently by increasing the number of customer accounts per Account Manager Schedule Lean Phase start 10/27/06 Lean Phase end 6/30/07 Six Sigma Phase start end of Q1 2007 Six Sigma Phase end 9/30/07 FMEA Analysis No Process Step Potential Failure Mode Potential Failure Effects SEVERITY Potential Causes OCCURENCE Current Controls DETECTION RPN May be process step, general activity, functional area, or other rational grouping What is the potential failure or undesirable outcome for this area If the failure mode occurs, what will the effect be What is/are the cause/s of the failure What controls are in place to prevent the cause from occurring or to detect that the cause has occurred BSI sends invoices to GSG by 5 pm EST GSG does not receive all of the invoices (or incomplete invoices) invoice not entered into OneSource invoice gets paid late BSI rework 7 technical glitch with scanner, or operator problem 2 GSG to review page no s and alert us if invoice is incomplete 5 70 1 7 Elaina fails to transmit all of the invoices 2 none 10 140 GSG receives incorrect invoices (non-Customer A) Rework between GSG and BSI since GSG cannot process 7 We send GSG invoices for non-Customer A customers 2 Should be done in sorting mail 2 28 GSG receives electronic invoices Rework between GSG and BSI since GSG cannot process 3 difficult to extract elec.. invoices from what we send GSG 9 turn off paper billing for elec invoices 1 27 BSI does not send invoices to GSG by 5 pm our time BSI has to do data entry or payment delayed 3 resource constraint (out of office, sick, out of time, etc.) 2 occasional back up resource 1 6 (all of the above) (all of the above) 10 ramp up time for new scanner operator 3 established documentation in order to train new operator 1 30 2 GSG enters manual invoices by 8 am EST new bill information entered incorrectly or missing data GSG has entered a bill that needs to be deleted by BroadSource 7 lack of training

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