Excel Inventory Werkblad

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Zakelijk inventaris Technologie Van Kunstmatige objecten voertuigen Transport Engineering Motor Excel inventaris

How to create a Excel Inventory Spreadsheet? An easy way to start completing your document is to download this example Excel Inventory Spreadsheet template now!

We provide this Excel Inventory Spreadsheet template to help professionalize the way you are working. Our business and legal templates are regularly screened and used by professionals. If time or quality is of the essence, this ready-made template can help you to save time and to focus on the topics that really matter!

Using this Excel Inventory Spreadsheet template guarantees you will save time, cost and efforts! Completing documents has never been easier!

Download this Excel Inventory Spreadsheet template now for your own benefit!

Engine Information,,,, District permit number of diesel engine (if known and permitted),PO-123456,,, Street address of diesel engine,123 Main Street,,, City,Sacramento,,, Zip code,95820,,, County,Sacramento,,, Local air district (if known),Sac Metro AQMD,,, Engine type,backup engine,,, Typical annual hours of operation,12 hr/yr,,, Engine installation date,1986 (new),,, Typical load ( of max bhp rating),85 ,,, Rated brake horsepower ( given rpm),330bhp 2200 rpm,,, Engine manufacturer,Acme,,, Model,3006D,,, Engine family,,,, Serial ,D-77-123,,, Year of manufacture,1986,,, Exhaust stack height from ground,13 feet,,, Diameter of stack outlet,5 inches,,, Direction of outlet (horizontal or vertical),vertical,,, End of stack (open or capped),open - no raincap,,, Control Equipment,,,, Diesel particulate filter (Y/N),No,,, Diesel oxidation catalyst (Y/N),No,,, Turbocharger (Y/N),No,,, Aftercooler (Y/N),No,,, Injection timing retard (Y/N),No,,, Other (describe),,,, Operation Information,,,, Operating schedule,1 hour per month,,, Type of fuel,CARB diesel,,, Fuel usage rate (gal/hr if available),3gallons/hour,,, Distance from engine to nearest fenceline on property,100 ft,,, Distance from engine to nearest residence,300 ft,,, Distance from engine to nearest business,200 ft,,, Is engine located within 500 feet of a school ,Y,,, "If yes, name of school ",Hoover Elementary,,, Is facility included in an existing AB 2588 inventory ,No,,, Is the facility part of a demand response plan ,No,,, Engine Emission Factors (g/bhp-hr),,,, PM (default is 1 g/bhp-hr),0.4 g/bhp-hr,,, source of PM emission factor,source test (4/96),,, NOx (default is 10 g/bhp-hr),4 g/bhp-hr,,, source of NOx emission factor,manufacturer s data,,, CO (default is 5 g/bhp-hr),2.5 g/bhp-hr,,, source of CO emission factor,EPA AP-42 data,,, Please email this spreadsheet to eibweb arb

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