Voorbeeld jaarlijkse conferentie

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How to create a Sample Annual Conference ? An easy way to start completing your document is to download this example Sample Annual Conference template now!

We provide this template to help professionalize the way you are working. Our business and legal templates are regularly screened and used by professionals. If time or quality is of the essence, this ready-made template can help you to save time and to focus on the topics that really matter!

Using this template guarantees you will save time, cost and efforts! Completing documents has never been easier!

Download this template now for your own benefit!

Vernon, VA",GPI and member companies to attend dinner - Event begins at 7:45 PM,http://www.discus.org TPCH Annual Meeting,"October 19-20, 2015","RI Department of Environmental Management, 235 Promenade Street, 4th Floor Providence, Rhode Island ","GPI to attend on Tuesday, October 20th",Accommodations - Christopher Dodd House - http://www.providence-hotel.com/ Oklahoma Recycling Association Conference,"October 20, 2015","Tulsa, AZ",www.recycleok.org/okra/oklahoma-events-activities GPI Annual Meeting,"October 24-27, 2015","Fairmont Scottsdale Princess Resort, Scottsdale, AZ","GPI Annual Meeting includes presentations on marketing, government affairs, host key Committee Meetings, and presentations from industry leaders",http://www.fairmont.com/scottsdale/ November,, New York State Recycling Conference and Trade Show,"November 4-6, 2015","Cooperstown, NY",www.ar3.org/page/save-the-date-70.html Northeast Recycling Conference (NERC) Glass Recycling Workshop,"November 9-10, 2015","Providence, Rhode Island","GPI and members to develop glass recycling panels, Possibly meet with NW RA Staff and MRF Company Members", America Recycles Day,"November 15, 2015",GPI working with Porter-Novelli to discuss promoting glass recycling, ,, GMP West Coast Protective League Meeting,"November 19-20, 2015","San Diego, CA",GPI and Member Company Reps to Attend and Present to GMP Membership,http://sd.handlery.com Year: 2016,, CalRecycle - Manufacturers Challenge Working Group Meeting,"January 5, 2016","Sacramento, CA",GPI Part of the Working Group and Participating in Workshop,http://www.calrecycle.ca.gov/ReduceWaste/Packaging/Manufacture/default.htm Connecticut Recyclers Association - 2016 Recycling Conference and Tradeshow,"January 27, 2016","Southington, CT","SMI Presenting on Single Stream Panel, TOMRA Sponsor",https://www.eventbrite.com/e/crcs-2016-recycling-conference-and-trade-show-tickets-18567418649 GPI - Academic Program Packaging Student Lecture Series,"February 4th, 2016

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