Sulat Ng Awtorisasyon Upang Magkamit Ng Pera

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How to write an effective Authorization Letter to claim Money in Tagalog? Download this sample Sulat Ng Awtorisasyon Upang Magkamit Ng Pera in the Filipino directly.

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How to write an effective Authorization Letter to claim Money in Tagalog? Download this sample Filipino  Authorization Letter to claim money (Sulat Ng Awtorisasyon Upang Magkamit Ng Pera in the Filipino language) directly and arrange to collect the money on your behalf! 

In the Philippines, an Authorization letter to claim money has to be written by a person that wishes to authorize another person to claim money on his or her behalf. This ready-made authorization letter template is well suited if you need someone else to claim money on your behalf. In general, such a letter should provide specific details, such as: 

  • amount of money, 
  • currency, 
  • date of collection, 
  • passport name of the person, 
  • period of authorization, 
  • etc. 

If you are in a situation that you need to claim money or the person you need to pay wants to ask somebody else to claim the money on his or her behalf. If someone other than the payee is to collect the money, the payee needs to draft a letter that is authorizing a designated representative. It is always important to connect with the person or representative of a business dispensing the money to ask if there are any special requirements, but in general, the Authorization letter should contain the following information:

  • Date: Make sure to place a date directly on top of the authorization letter, and this date should not be more than a couple of days from date of collection.
  • Letter-recipient information: Recipient information begins below the date. Make sure that you use the formal name of the person, if possible. Include the persons’ title. Follow this with the formal company name (full name) when applicable, and then place the exact (and most relevant) address.
  • Subject: ‘Authorization to claim money on behalf’, ‘Authorization letter to claim money’, etc.
  • Salutation: Preferably use a simple salutation (Dear Sir NAME, Dear Madam NAME, etc) directly under the recipient information. You may also use “Whomever it May Concern” if there is no individual name or title available.
  • Reason: The reason why you are not able to collect the money yourself and the way it is best to collect.
  • Beneficiary information: Make sure to write clearly the payee’s name and address in the letter, and preferably at the beginning of the letter. Use the beneficiary/payee’s formal or passport name. Do not use any other short names or nicknames.
  • Authorization amount and currency: Come right to the point in the first sentence in the body of the letter. Name the representative using the name which appears on the representative’s primary ID and/or company ID, again avoiding nicknames. State that the representative is being authorized to claim the money for the payee. Aim to provide at least 2 ways to identify the person. Specific the following: the amount of money and the currency.
  • Period of authorization: Provide a date or specific period during which the authorization to collect the amount applies.
  • Date of collection: a preferred date for collection of the money;
  • Any further information: Be sure to mention any additional instructions or information needed. If the representative should show Identification Documents or should present the payee’s ID, including these instructions. A request for a phone call or email to the payee, immediately after pick-up, can also be added.
  • Contact information: Include the beneficiary contact details, such as the email address or phone numbers, should the recipient wish to make contact.
  • Closing: Use a simple closing like “Thank you for smooth cooperation.”
  • Beneficiary passport name: Skip three or four lines to leave enough space for a signature and type the name of the payee below the closing.
  • Signature: Always sign the letter in blue or black ink.

In order to let someone else claim the money, it's important that you provide enough evidence of your identity, in combination with a signature from yourself. By using this Authorization Letter template, you will see that you will save you time and efforts in order to get this task done! 

Sampe of Authorization letter in Fillipino: (Sulat Ng Awtorisasyon Upang Magkamit Ng Pera)

Ako po si [AUTHORIZER]  na nagbibigay pahintulot sa aking kapatid na si [NAME AUTHORIZED PERSON] na kunin ang aking back pay sapagkat hindi ako makakarating sa inyong opisina sa kadahilanang ako ay nasa aming probinsya.

Kalakip ng sulat na ito ay ang aking dalawang valid ID na ipapakita ng aking [RELATIONS OR NAME AUTHORIZED PERSON]. Karagdagan nito ay ipinauubaya ko sa aking [RELATIONS OR NAME AUTHORIZED PERSON] ang pagpirma sa anumang dokumento o kasulatang naaayon sa transakyon na ito.

Lubos na gumagalang,

This ready-made authorization letter template is well suited if you need someone else to claim money on your behalf. The format gives the bearer, including 2 additional papers that prove the identity of the receiver, as a reference, sufficient proof to claim the money. Make sure to fill in the exact date, person, location and other details that are requested below. Remember that this is just a guide to you for creating your authorization letters. If you are looking for effective Authorization Letter templates to Claim something different than money, check out the following letters:

Save yourself time and efforts and download this sample letter for collecting money in Tagalog directly. It is provided as a free download Authorization letter to claim money sample letter or check the English version of this Authorization Letter here.

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