Sample Reference Letter

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How do you write a good reference letter? Check out these Reference Letter Samples and Writing Tips for your advantage!

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How do you write a good reference letter? Check out these Reference Letter Samples and Writing Tips for your advantage!

When you are writing a character reference at the request of a former employee or close connect, that wants to show the letter to a company or HR manager, because he/she is applying for a position, it can be useful to start with a basic reference letter template. This way you will save time and effort while focusing on the important characteristics of the person. You will see you can make a better version, by using good reference letters that provide the right inspiration.

We provide this Personal Job Reference Letter template to help professionalize the way you are working. Our business and legal templates are regularly screened and used by professionals. There are a few basic requirements for a strong recommendation letter, such as the following:

  • Structured and written to highlight the person's strengths;
  • Immediately clear about the purpose and position the person is seeking;
  • Expands upon their resume; do not repeat it verbatim in your reference letter as well;
  • Include an appealing anecdote, to further explain the personality of the person you recommend;
  • Brief, preferably one page in length;
  • Limited to 3-4 paragraphs and 1 page;
  • Clean, error-free, and easy to read;
  • Using common business letter format;
  • No copying of exact words/phrases from sample letters without checking the context;
  • Uses the correct name of the organization;
  • Enthusiastic! Show off the character and personality of the person.

Sample Reference Letter:

Dear {{Name}}, 
I am writing this reference at the request of {{Name}}, who is applying for a position at {{Company Name}}. {{Name}} has worked with me {{number of years}} at {{Company Name}} in {{roles}}.
{{Name}} has a number of strengths I’d like to share. He has exceptional technical skills. For example, {{add a specific example}}. {{Name}} is also a very fast learner. {{Add additional strengths}}.
In conclusion, I would highly recommend {{Name}}. If his performance in my {{work group}} is any indication of how he’d perform in the available position, {{Name}} will be an extremely positive addition to your organization. If you need any additional information, feel free to contact me at {{telephone Number}} or by email at {{email address}} anytime. Yours sincerely,

If time or quality is of the essence, this ready-made template can help you to save time and to focus on the topics that really matter. Using this Personal Job Reference Letter template guarantees you will save time and effort! Completing a strong reference letter just became a little easier.

Download this Personal Job Reference Letter template now and help out your friend, employee, or colleague today.

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