ATTAIN Evaluation Plan

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Are you looking for an ATTAIN Evaluation Plan Template? Check out this Advanced transportation technology and innovation program (attain) funding recipient evaluation plan template.

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What is ATTAIN Evaluation Plan?

The Advanced Transportation Technology and Innovation (ATTAIN) Program helps grantees develop evaluation plans for advanced transportation technologies and innovative mobility projects. This template provides a guide for summarizing key evaluation-related information, but it is not a legal document and does not bind the public.

Purpose of the Template:

  • Assist grantees in developing evaluation plans for ATTAIN projects.
  • Summarize key evaluation-related information.
  • Serve as a guide, not a form to be filled out directly. Grantees should produce a formatted report based on this template.

Contents of the Template:

  • Introduction and Project Overview:
  • Provide a brief introduction and overview of the project.
  • Project Goals, Objectives, and Evaluation Questions:
  • Outline the goals and objectives of the project.
  • List the evaluation questions that will guide the assessment.
  • Performance Measures:
  • Define the performance measures that will be used to evaluate the project.
  • Evaluation Methodology:
  • Describe the methods and techniques that will be used to evaluate the project.
  • Data Collection Procedures and Data Management:
  • Detail the procedures for data collection and how the data will be managed.
  • Wrap-Up:
  • Summarize the key points and outline the next steps.
  • For more detailed guidance, please refer to the Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) program’s Evaluation Methods and Techniques Document at ATCMTD Evaluation Methods.

Download this sample ATTAIN Evaluation Plan Template here.

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