Sabbatical Leave Request Letter

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How do I request a sabbatical leave? Download this Sabbatical Leave Request Letter template now for your reference

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How do I request a sabbatical leave?

A sabbatical leave is a longer periode of leave of absence from work or a business, often taken for personal reasons.  A sabbatical leave is usually granted to people working in projects, under harsh circumstances, remote site, university professors and doctors after a certain period of continues service, but it is entirely possible for other type of professions to ask for one if the reasons are valid. Often the personal reasons involve traveling, personal learning, hobbies, acquiring a second home, etc.

If the employer accepts the sabbatical leave, the period needs to be determined, as well as the handover, insurance, salary payments, etc.

Request for Sabbatical Leave:

  • Dear {{Name}}, 
  • Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on {{Date}}, {{Time}}. 
  • As we discussed, I would like to take a sabbatical leave for the period of {{number of months}} months. 
  • From period {{Start date}} till {{End date}}.
  • The main reason is that I believe that in my {{Time}} here at {{Company}} I have contributed an ample number of accomplishments with extremely positive outcomes, such as: positive outcome.
  • It would greatly benefit me and my family if I can allocate more time the coming months to a few personal milestones. 
  • During the sabbatical leave, I don’t expect to receive any salary. 
  • However, I would prefer to keep the company medical health insurance. 
  • Please let me know how we can arrange that. I have spoken with my direct colleagues, and we are able to make some arrangements, so our customers and partners will not feel the difference.
  • After this sabbatical period, I would be glad to come back to pick up the same or similar line of work. 
  • I believe I have proven that I am a valuable team player. 
  • In addition, I have great ideas that I believe I can implement going forward, including {{Idea and how to implement}}.
  • I recently discovered a great {{LEARNING RESOURCE}} via {{PROVIDER and I would love to enroll in order to further develop my {{SKILLS}}.
  • I believe that my accomplishments, proven positive feedback, and thoughtful vision for my future here at {{Company}} can be beneficial for both of us. 
  • When I start with fresh energy, you can count on me that I will keep continuing delivering the desired results. 
  • Thank you for your time and consideration and looking forward to your response.
  • Yours sincerely,

Download this Sabbatical Leave Request Letter template now for your reference.

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