Proof Of Funds

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How do I show proof of funds to buy something? What documents are needed for proof of funds? Download this Proof Of Funds letter template now.

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How do I show proof of funds to buy something? What documents are needed for proof of funds (POF)?

When you need proof that you are capable of doing a transaction, you can ask your bank to provide proof of funds (POF). This is a document that states that an organization, company, or individual has the financial capacity to perform a certain transaction. The POF can be issued by a bank, a financial institution or trade finance. 

Proof Of Funds letter:
A proof of funds could include the following content:

  • To Whom It May Concern:
  • Mr./Mrs. {{Name}} has the availability of private funds for the purposes of real estate investing and is a valued client. 
  • The client has approved lines of credit in place and or available funds in the amount of $ {{Amount}}
  • The Borrower (s) has immediate access to these funds and has access to and proof of funds for the amount declared below. 
  • These funds are available immediately for a wire transfer as instructed or directed for disbursement by the client. 
  • The available fund's balance today is in the amount of $ Amount.
  • In the event you would like to verify these funds please address your calls to the contact information provided below and we will do all we can to assist you for the benefit of our client.
  • Yours sincerely,

Download this Proof Of Funds (POF) letter template now.

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