Letter of Introduction

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How do you write a letter of introduction? Easy to download and use letter of introduction

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  • Taal: English
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Zakelijk inleiding brief aan klant voor het bedrijfsleven zakelijke introductiebrief sollicitatiebrief sollicitatiebrief introductie brief zakelijke brief aan klantintroductie Invoering Introductie van Services Letter Introductiebrief Zelf introductiebrief voor baan Introductie van het product Brief moderne sollicitatiebrief template introductie brief introductiebrief docent introductiebrief voor sollicitatie introductiebrief versus begeleidende brief formele introductiebrief

How do you write a letter of introduction?

When you want to send a Letter of Introduction for your company, product, service or CV, make sure to give authentic and correct information (not any false information). It is also important to avoid the following common mistakes:

  • Clear sentences, no dubious content;
  • Spelling and grammar errors;
  • Addressing your cover letter to the wrong person;
  • Negative comments about previous employers;
  • Consider adding salary expectations;
  • Add personal details that are unrelated to the job but could be beneficial.

Letter of introduction:

Dear {{Name of Recipient}},
Please let me take this opportunity to introduce myself as the newly appointed sales agent for {{Company}}. As I joined the company recently, I went through our records to find that you are one of our most valuable customers.
As an initiative to a growing business relationship that will benefit both of us, I will be pleased to visit you in your office at your convenience to understand about your company to enable me to provide you with a better service. I could also introduce our new products to you.
I wish to call in your office, want to make the appointment, as am looking forward to meeting you personally.
Thanking You,

Consider the following format:

  • Indicate that you are writing to introduce a specific individual or business to them. Provide their name and specifics about how you know them. (Worked together, worked for you, purchased from the, etc).
  • Provide additional details about the individual or business you are introducing. Include specifics about what they are doing why you are introducing them, and what kind of assistance they may request, or how they may be of service.
  • Close by providing contact information for the individual or business. You may also choose to provide a resume if it is job-related. Make sure to end by thanking the individual for their time and assistance.

Download this Letter of introduction template now!

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