marketing SWOT Powerpoint

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How to make an instructive Marketing presentation about SWOT analysis? An easy way to start with this example SWOT Powerpoint PPT now!

We provide this Marketing SWOT Powerpoint template to be able to acquire more knowledge around marketing strategies that you can use in your own presentations. Our SWOT PowerPoint templates are regularly screened and used by professionals. If time or quality is of the essence, this ready-made presentation can certainly help you out!

Using this Blank Powerpoint makes life easier. You will see that finishing a strong presentation has never been easier!

Download this SWOT Powerpoint PPT now! If you are looking for a more professional SWOT, click here.

Lesson 5.4 – The Situation Analysis (SWOT) The Marketing Plan LESSON 5.4 The Situation (S.W.O.T.) Analysis S Strengths Resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a competitive advantage W Weaknesses O Opportunities T Threats Qualities that give a business a competitive disadvantage Events that could facilitate company profit and growth Events that could have a negative impact on the company Situational (S.W.O.T.) Analysis Strengths Opportunities Weaknesses Threats LESSON 5.4 The Situational (S.W.O.T.) Analysis S Strengths Resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a competitive advantage Examples of strengths include:  Patents  Strong brand names  Positive reputation among customers The Situational (S.W.O.T.) Analysis W Weaknesses Qualities that give a business a competitive disadvantage Examples of weaknesses could include:  Lack of patent protection  Weak brand name  Poor reputation among customers  Lack of resources  Inadequate distribution channels The Marketing Plan LESSON 5.4 The Situational (S.W.O.T.) Analysis O Opportunities Events that could facilitate company profit and growth Examples of opportunities could include:  An unfulfilled customer need  Arrival of new technologies  A niche that has not yet been exploited  Mergers  Entry into new markets The Marketing Plan LESSON 5.4 The Situational (S.W.O.T.) Analysis T Threats Events that could have a negative impact on the company Examples of threats could include:  Shifts in consumer tastes away from company products  Emergence of new substitute products  Govern

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