Voorlopige training

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How to make a Tentative Training? Download this Tentative Training template that will perfectly suit your needs!

Educators are often using templates and forms, more than any other industry. Therefore, we support you by providing this educational Tentative Training template, which will save your time, cost and efforts and help you to be more successful in your studies or work!

This Tentative Training is intuitive, ready-to-use and structured in a smart way. Try it now and let this template inspire you to complete your task quickly.

We certainly encourage you to download this Tentative Training now and to use it to your advantage!

Training Brochure Flip Book Tentative Training Calendar - 2017 ICT Skill Development Programmes Scheduled to be held at INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India Sl Date Training/Workshop No Programme 1 23-25 January KOHA Installation and Operations 2 30 January - 4 SOUL 2.0 Training February Programme 3 27-28 February 4 9-10 March 5 20-25 March 6 6-7 April 7 17-22 April 8 24-28 April 9 1-5 May 10 15-19 May 11 29 May - 3 June 12 7-9 June 13 14-16 June 14 21-23 June 15 5-7 July 16 10 - 11 July 17 17-22 July Open Journal Systems(OJS) for e-Publishing Research Methodology Academic Writing SOUL 2.0 Training Programme Ethical Issues Use of AntiPlagiarism for Research Integrity SOUL 2.0 Training Programme Duration Coordinator / CoEmail Addresses (in Days) coordinator 3 Mr Yatrik Patel yatrik inflibnet.ac.in Mr H G Hosamani hosamani inflibnet.ac.in Mr Divyakant Vaghela divyakant inflibnet.ac.in 6 Mr H G Hosamani hosamani inflibnet.ac.in Mr Yatrik Patel yatrik inflibnet.ac.in Ms Hema Cholin hema inflibnet.ac.in 2 Mr Gaurav Prakash gaurav inflibnet.ac.in 2 Mr Manoj Kumar K manoj inflibnet.ac.in 6 Mr H G Hosamani Mr Yatrik Patel Ms Hema Cholin Mr Manoj Kumar K hosamani inflibnet.ac.in yatrik inflibnet.ac.in hema inflibnet.ac.in manoj inflibnet.ac.in Mr H G Hosamani Mr Yatrik Patel Ms Hema Cholin Mr Yatrik Patel Mr Swapnil Patel hosamani inflibnet.ac.in yatrik inflibnet.ac.in hema inflibnet.ac.in yatrik inflibnet.ac.in swapnil inflibnet.ac.in 2 6 Creation and Management of Digital Collection using Dspace Bibliometrics and Research Output Analysis Research Data and Statistical Analysis using R Programming SOUL 2.0 Training Programme 5 Metadata Standards: Retrospective Conversion, Preservation, Harvesting and Migration E-Resource Management 3 Workshop on Cyber/Web Security Creating and Managing Digital Libraries using EPrints Research Evaluation and Altmetrics SOUL 2.0 Training Programme 3 5 3 6 3 3 2 6 Miss Kruti Trivedi kruti inflibnet.ac.in Mr Hitesh Solanki hitesh infli

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