Formulier bankrekeningsaanvraagbrief

bank account application letter format voorbeeld afbeelding
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Zakelijk Financiën Naam brieven Toepassing Letter Template indeling Toepassing Briefsjablonen Formaat

How to write a letter for opening a bank account?

We provide this application letter template that informs a bank manager to open a bank account on behalf of somebody else. In this letter sample, the account that is requested is for a close relation of the applicant. Our letter templates are all screened by professionals. It can also be used to ask for a bank account opening for your friend.


I am the principal of {{NAME OF SCHOOL}}. Please open a checking account in the name of the Organization as follows:
Account Name: 
In Trust for SCHOOL}}

Please ensure that all associated account documentation is imprinted with the account name as indicated above. 

Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sample letter to bank requesting the opening of a new school checking account :
  1. Copy the sample letter (below) onto school letterhead.
  2. Enter information specific to your school in the fields beginning/ending with brackets (for example SCHOOL).
  3. Be sure to indicate, in the designated field, the type of account you wish to open: Either a General School Fund Account or a School Lunch Account.
  4. If you do not know the City’s Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), call the Banking Unit to obtain it in order to add it to the letter.
  5. Provide the names and signatures of three people at your school who will act as account signatories. One of the signatories must be the principal. All signatories must be full-time employees.
  6. If your school letterhead does not include the school’s mailing address, include it after the principal’s signature (along with the other contact information).
  7. Mail the completed letter, plus the completed Bank Account Request Form and bank signatory cards (obtained from the Banking Unit)

The feasibility of opening a bank account via this letter will all depend on the bank policy and your relationship with the bank, and if you provide sufficient details. For example, you will also need to fill in their application form.

If you need a POA to open a bank account on your behalf, check this letter. Or you might need a bank authorization letter is written to the Bank Manager or a Signatory of a bank account. 

In order to grant someone for money-related issues, which can be risky if you don't fully trust the person, it's best to write an authorization letter. You can find many sample authorization letters that you can use after some simple modifications. There are a few basic requirements for a strong cover letter. Every cover letter should contain the following:
  • Structured and written to highlight your strengths;
  • Brief, preferably one page in length;
  • Clean, error-free, and easy to read;
  • Immediately clear about your name and the position you are seeking.

After downloading and filling in the blanks, you can customize every detail, typography, font size, and appearance of your cover letter and finish in minutes. 

Download this Bank Account Application Letter Format to open a checking account now.

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