Kennisgeving aan werknemers van bonusannulering

notice to employees of bonus cancellation voorbeeld afbeelding
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How to nicely tell employees they are not getting bonuses? How to write a Notice To Employees Of Bonus Cancellation?

If you are going through difficult times financially with your company, it can happen that you need to inform your employees that the bonus for the quarter or annual bonus has been cancelled. Such a decision can only be made in light of the current economic situation, only then it will be respected by the staff. As everybody understands this may be  very disappointing news, and you can only hope that the employees will understand the decision.

We support you and your company by providing this notice to employees of bonus cancellation which will save yourself or your HR department time, cost and effort and provides a general idea how such bad news can be conveyed.

Letter to employees giving notice of cancellation of bonus

Dear Mr./Mrs. Name, 
This has been a difficult year for the Organization. I am sure that you all know that the loss of our three contracts with {{Customer}}, due to the cut-back in defense appropriations, hurt us substantially. In Month, we had a major decision to make. The question we were faced with was whether to let some of our employees go, or to explore all other possible avenues of cost reduction, keeping everyone's job intact. We chose the latter course. Unfortunately, ........This will be the first year since Year that we will be unable to thank you in this special manner for your hard work, loyalty and faithfulness.  We are all hoping that 2022 will be a prosperous year and that we will be able...........
Yours sincerely,

This Notice To Employees Of Bonus Cancellation has ways to grab your reader’s attention. They are crafted by HR professionals, are intelligently structured and easy-to-navigate. Make sure to thank the staff again for their hard work efforts and for their understanding. Explain that better times are ahead and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and you will do your best effort to help them achieve their professional and personal goals.

Download this Notice To Employees Of Bonus Cancellation letter template now!

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