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.docxHow do you write a letter to cancel a bonus? Check out this No Bonus Announcement Letter template and use it for your benefit.
Unprecedented times creates a lot of uncertainty. It helps if you can learn from each other’s experiences. A way to overcome problems is by listening to other experiences and checking out this free printable No Bonus Announcement Letter that can be useful in difficult times.
There can be several reasons for a negative impact on business growth and sales of SMEs and larger businesses. During difficult times, it's common that organizations have to inform their staff they cannot provide an annual bonus. When you write a letter to your staff, it is important for you to write such a letter in a courteous manner. Make sure the letter is written in direct and plain, simple language, so everybody understands the meaning and purpose of the letter; the reason for canceling the bonus.
This No Bonus Announcement Letter Covid19 can be a useful resource during these difficult and uncertain times. Download it now.
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