Persoonlijk ontwikkelingsplan

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De beste manier om een Persoonlijk ontwikkelingsplan te maken? Check direct dit professionele Persoonlijk ontwikkelingsplan template!

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How to draft a Employee Personal Development Plan? Download this Employee Personal Development Plan template now!

A career development plan is the best way to create fruitful conditions for employers and employees within the company. This is because such a plan focuses mainly on the employees' needs for growth and development and at the same time supports the organization and explores how the organization can provide for the employee. This enables the employee to grow his or her career. We support you and your company by providing this Personal Career Development Plan HR template, which will help you to make a perfect one! This will save you or your HR department time, cost and efforts and help you to reach the next level of success in your career.

Check the following steps that are covered in this plan and find out how to create your own personal career development plan. The following topics are covered:

  • Background Information
  • Performance Summary (refer to your Performance Management forms and summarize)
  • Career Goal(s):
  • Areas of Strength (Knowledge, skills, and competencies)
  • Areas for Development
  • Planning For Your Development Goals
  • Development Goals
  • Action Steps

This Career Development Plan has ways to make you develop faster and in a structured way. It is created by HR professionals, intelligently structured and easy-to-use. We guarantee you that this development plan will fit your needs.

  • Understands the implications of errors for patients, customers and stakeholders 
  • Monitors own work to ensure errors are not made or repeated 
  • Follows standards of practice and processes to maintain delivery of quality patient and family-centred care or services Overall Competency Rating Rarely Occasionally Often Always Mark with an “x” T2 Information Seeking 
  • Seeks information to ensure awareness of changes or initiatives important to delivery of care or service 
  • Asks questions for clarification from the appropriate source 2.3 Uses information to consider alternatives and possible consequences of decisions and actions Overall Competency Rating Rarely Occasionally Often Always Mark with an “x” T3 Initiative and Change
  • Constructively challenges the standard approach
  • Open to new ideas 
  • Is self directed Overall Competency Rating Rarely Occasionally Often Always Mark with an “x” T4 Process Improvement 
  • Initiates opportunities to improve care or service
  • Participates in quality improvement initiatives, such as LEAN, that are designed to bring improvements forward
  • Gets others to improve care or service by encouraging improvement Overall Competency Rating Rarely Occasionally Often Always Mark with an “x” 24 1) In preparation for your conversation, consider examples that recognize your contributions in this area.. Enabling Competencies: 
    • P1 Professionalism, Character, Integrity 
    • P2 BWH Values – Compassion, Accountability, Respect, Excellence 
    • P3 Interpersonal Understanding 
    • P4 Self Development 
    • P5 Team Relationships Competencies Indicator P1 Professionalism, Character, Integrity 
  • Is a person of integrity which includes being trustworthy and counted on to follow through on commitments 
  • Maintains professional boundaries with patients, families and customers 1.3 Adheres to legal and ethical standards 
  • Gives recognition to those who deserve it, and does not take credit for others successes
  • Demonstrates commitment to BWH through prof

This Employee Personal Development Plan has ways to grab your reader’s attention. It is drafted by HR professionals, intelligently structured and easy-to-navigate through. Pay close attention to the most downloaded HR templates that fit your needs.     

Download this Human Resources Employee Personal Development Plan template now!

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