Visa Invitation Letters Scholars

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How do I write an invitation letter for visa application for scholars or visiting academics? Download this Scholar Visa Invitation Letter for your reference.

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How do I write an invitation letter for visa application for scholars or academics? 

When applying for a visa, it’s common to show a formal invitation letter that confirms the visit, period and relationship. If a friend or family member applies for the visit, this sample visa invitation letter can help you. It’s generally written, so it’s a useful starting point when you want to apply a visa for a particular country. The quality of the letter is important and might impact the decision for rejection or acceptance of the visa application, especially whether or not the letter and documents meet the terms of the countries’ immigration law. Therefore, make sure that the letter is written in good faith. Honesty is important and will be rewarded. Therefore the facts that you are writing in the letter are important. This is a set of sample invitation letters which include lots of information like, formal last and first name, date of birth, address(es) of places where you stay, email and telephone number, job title ,where the person will stay and how he or she will manage to pay for things and when the person plans to leave the country.

When writing an inviting letter for a visa, for a person or family, it's good to follow the procedures that are provided by the countries embassy or consulate website. You need to check carefully what documents are requested in order to successfully apply for a visa, to visit the country.

You can download the below visa invitation letter, which is potentially a great letter to customize according to your requirements.

Scholar Visa invitation letter sample:

Dear {{Name}}, 
Letter of Invitation for scholarship
On behalf of {{Name of Department}}, I am pleased to invite you to be a {{Department Position Title or “Visiting Scholar”}} and a {{Professor, Research Scholar, Short-term Scholar or Specialist}}}} at the {{University Name}} at {{Location}}. This invitation is effective for the period of {{Start Date of Program}} to {{End Date of Program}}. During this period, you will be expected to be engaged in your research activities for {{Number}} hours per week. 
Your activities will consist of {{Describe Program Activities}}. Continued participation in The {{University Location}}’s exchange visitor program is contingent upon satisfactory performance as determined by me and maintenance of non-immigrant status.  All inquiries you may have concerning maintenance of {{status}} and other immigration related matters should be directed to {{Immigration information service desk}} {{Immigration Address}} {{ Immigration email}}, {{ Immigration phone}}. 

Download this Scholar Visa Invitation Letter now for your reference.

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