Strategisch marketingplan voor een hotel

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De beste manier om een Strategisch marketingplan voor een hotel te maken? Check direct dit professionele Strategisch marketingplan voor een hotel template!

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How to create a professional Strategic Marketing Plan For A Hotel? Download this marketing Strategic Marketing Plan For A Hotel template now!

Great marketing efforts can make a business! However, the opposite is also true. Take your business and marketing serious right from the start and in every detail! Therefore, we recommend you to check out this Strategic Marketing Plan For A Hotel. This marketing template will capture your audience's attention, no matter if it's your Management Team or your customers you will have to present it to. After downloading and filling in the blanks, you can easily customize e.g. visuals, typography, details, and appearance of your document. This enables you to finish it much faster.

For those who work in marketing & sales, it's important that they always work with the latest updated marketing document templates in order to achieve their goals faster! Why? Because adequate communication is essential within and between companies, in order to have truthful and accurate information exchange to ensure management and staff can make the correct decisions.

Therefore we invite you to check out and download our basic or advanced marketing templates. They are intuitive and in several kinds of formats, such as: PDF, WORD, XLS (EXCEL including formulas and can calculate sums automatically), etc. 

By using this marketing Strategic Marketing Plan For A Hotel template, you start with a strong basic template you can use to create the perfect one. Which is giving you more time to focus on what really matters! Using this marketing template guarantees that you will save time, cost and efforts and enables you to reach the next level of success in your project, work and business!

Download this professional Strategic Marketing Plan For A Hotel marketing template now! 

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Maarit Karppinen STRATEGIC MARKETING PLAN FOR A HOTEL Hotel and Restaurant Business 2011 2 VAASA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES Degree Programme of Hospitality Management ABSTRACT Author Maarit Karppinen Title Strategic Marketing Plan for a Hotel Year 2011 Language English Pages 59 + 2 Appendices Name of Supervisor Peter Smeds The aim of this thesis was to form a strategic marketing plan for Hotel X, a small privately owned hotel in Helsinki.. Keywords Marketing, hospitality industry, marketing plan, accommodation services providers, customer satisfaction 3 VAASAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU Degree Programme of Hospitality Management TIIVISTELMÄ Tekijä Maarit Karppinen Opinnäytetyön nimi Strategic Marketing Plan For a Hotel Vuosi 2011 Kieli englanti Sivumäärä 59 + 2 liitettä Ohjaaja Peter Smeds Opinnnäytetyön tavoitteena oli luoda strateginen markkinointisuunnitelma Hotellille X, joka on pieni yksityisessä omistuksessa oleva Hotelli Helsingissä.. Strengths: - Location - Size of the hotel - No outsourced workforce - Privately owned family company - Transportation connection to the centre of Helsinki - Kiinko - Staff - Home-like feeling - Wireless internet - Regular customers - Individual service - Hierarchy among the staff 44 - Staff’s possibility to influence who gets chosen for a new employee - Hotel Vip club/ Hotel express All of the respondents thought that the location of the hotel is one of its strengths.. 46 Weaknesses: - Out-dated - Marketing - Homepage on the internet - Size of the hotel - Communication between employees - Utilizing of the employee’s strengths - Location - Slow seasons summer and weekends - Slow evening/nightlife All of the respondents thought that one of the biggest weaknesses that the hotel has is that it is out-dated, especially in its physical environment.. Tavoitteet /Mitä halutaan saavuttaa Minkälaisia tavoitteita asettaisit Hotelli X:lle - Lyhyen ajan tavoitteita - Pitkän ajan tavoitteita Uusien asiakkaiden hankkiminen - Yritykset - Uudet

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