Stage rapport Accounting Student

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How to make a Internship Report Accounting Student? Download this Internship Report Accounting Student template that will perfectly suit your needs!

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International Education Studies November, 2009 Undergraduate Internship Attachment in Accounting: The Interns Perspective Rusnah Muhamad (Corresponding author) Faculty of Business and Accounting, University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: 60-3-7967-3934 E-mail: rusnahm Yazkhiruni Yahya Faculty of Business and Accounting, University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: 60-3-7967-3905 E-mail: yazkhiruni Suhaily Shahimi Faculty of Business and Accounting, University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: 60-3-7967-3905 E-mail:suhaily Nurmazilah Mahzan Faculty of Business and Accounting, University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: 60-3-7967-3962 E-mail: nurmazilah Abstract Increasingly, internship has become an essential component of the undergraduate programme.. Prior research highlights various issues on internship attachments, including the importance of relevant practical experience for students (Mounce et al., 2004) effects of internship predictors on the successful field of experience (Beard and Morton, 1999) the importance of practical experience towards recruiting decisions of accounting employers (Pasewark et al., 2001) study on accounting internships and subsequent academic performance (English and Koeppen, 1993) and benefits and limitations of internships (Hymon-Parker, 1998).. Benefits include improvements in career-related direction (Lubbers, 2001 Beard and Morton, 1999), gaining practical experience (Lubbers, 2001), improved marketability of graduates (Swift and Kent, 1999 Hymon-Parker, 1998), job expectations (Knouse et al., 1999), interpersonal skills (Beard and Morton, 1999), leadership (Cook et al., 2004) and understanding of the business applications of classroom learning (Cook et al., 2004 Hymon-Parker, 1998).. Demographic Profiles for BACC Students Gender Male Female Ethnicity Malay 54 Frequency 32 124 20.5 79.5 37 23.7 Chinese 112 71.8 Indian Others Academic Qualifications

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