Audit Checklist

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De beste manier om een Audit Checklist te maken? Check direct dit professionele Audit Checklist template!

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Zakelijk bouw veiligheid Technologie Kunstmatige objecten werknemers Actie Niet correctief Voorbeeld auditcontrolelijst Audit Checklist Voorbeeld Excel-checklist sjabloon

How to create an Audit Checklist? An easy way to start completing your document is to download this example Audit Checklist template now!

We provide this Audit Checklist template to help professionalize the way you are working. Our business and legal templates are regularly screened and used by professionals. If time or quality is of the essence, this ready-made template can help you to save time and to focus on the topics that really matter!

Using this Audit Checklist template guarantees you will save time, cost and efforts! Completing documents has never been easier!

Download this Audit Checklist template now for your own benefit!

Division of Administration and Finance,,,,, Planning + Design + Construction,,,,, PO Box 210186,,,,, "Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0186",,,,, ,,,,, CONTRACTORS MONTHLY SAFETY AUDIT CHECKLIST,,,,, ,,,,, Project Number:,,,,Project Name:, ,,,,Phase:, Date Completed:,,,,, ,,,,, Contractor:,,,,, ,,,,, Safety Representative:,,,,, ,,,,, Total Employees:,,,,, ,,,,, ,Total Contractor employees:,,,,, ,,,,, ,Total subcontractor employees:,,,,, ,,,,, 1,Current Status of Contract (Check appropriate activities),,,,, ,,,,, , Site clearing grubbing,,,, Overhead mechanical/electrical ,,,,, , Excavation,,,, Interior finishes ,,,,, , Foundations,,,, Demolition ,,,,, , Structural frame,,,, Remodeling ,,,,, , Exterior enclosure,,,, Close out ,,,,, , Other:,,,, ,,,,, 2,Office Procedures,,,,, ,,,,, ,Yes,No,N/A,Description,,, ,,,,, ,,1.,Safety health poster posted.,,, ,,,,, ,,2.,Emergency telephone numbers posted.,,, ,,,,, ,,3.,First aid kit supplies on job.,,, ,,,,, ,,4.,Copy of OSHA safety standard in the office.,,, ,,,,, ,,5.,"Toolbox meeting reports issued, forwarded to Project Superintendent filed.",,, ,,,,, ,,6.,"Safety notices issued, forwarded to appropriate personnel and filed.",,, ,,,,, ,,7.,Received visit from OSHA this month.,,, ,,,,, ,,8.,Emergency stretcher located on job near hoist or elevator.,,, ,,,,, ,,9.,Any first aid injuries reported were forwarded to Site Management.,,, ,,,,, ,,10.,OSHA Form 200 posted.,,, ,,,,, N/A = Not Applicable,,, NO requires Corrective Action,, ,,,,, 3,Site Security Warning Signs,,,,, ,,,,, ,Yes,No,N/A,Description,,, ,,1.,Site secured with fence and gates..

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